About Us

Welcome to Ecofresh by Greeniche Natural Health!


Inspired by Sustainability and Motivated by Eco-Conscious Living. 

In today’s world, where everything we use has an adverse impact on our environment, laundry detergents are no exception.

With depleting aquatic life and increasing water pollution, we, at ecofresh, believe in going the old-school way. We refrain from using anything that harms the planet. What inspires us is the fact that nearly 700 million plastic laundry jugs and bottles end up every year in oceans and landfills. This number is staggering, and we care about bringing a change. Don’t you?

We, at ECOFRESH, believe that we are a part of this global problem, and we understand the urgency of going green. Take this walk to a better, healthier, and greener world with ECOFRESH.

Our approach with ECOFRESH is to inspire a pure, non-toxic living

ECOFRESH is driven by an urgent need to create a more sustainable living and better future. With each step, we move forward. So, we believe every step counts and leads to bigger goals.

Our product resonates with our vision: as we preserve Mother Nature, we improve the future

ECOFRESH is not only eco-friendly, zero-waste, and biodegradable but it is also safe for your family. Its vegan ingredients help our vision. What’s more, is that it reduces global-warming carbon emissions because of its plastic-free yet aesthetically designed packaging.

ECOFRESH helps save the planet 

With ECOFRESH, you help protect the environment from harsh chemicals found in traditional laundry detergents. Our vision entails the purpose of working towards a greater good.

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